"No One Here But Us Snakes"
Big Trouble in Little China/Escape from New York #3 (BOOM! Studios)
Writer: Greg Pak
Artist: Daniel Bayliss
Colors: Triona Farrell
Letters: Simon Bowland
Cover by Daniel Bayliss
December 2016
Jack and Snake face off against a plethora
of parallel Plisskens!
Story Summary
Having escaped the culture bunker in Cleveland, Hauk makes a
plan for the group to rumble across the border through Niagara
Falls into Toronto, Canada...if they can get past the lake of
fire in Buffalo. The United States is a mess ever since Snake's
humiliation of the President led to an international war three
weeks after the escape from New York. As plans are being made,
the group is attacked by a squad of Lo Pan's alternate
Plisskens. The group manages to keep the attack at bay long
enough to pile into the trailer of the Pork-Chop Express and
barrel on down the road with Hauk driving. But Lo Pan's spirit
gives chase and floats inside the trailer, trying to grasp Jack
in an attempt to kill him. However, the spirit's ethereal form
makes it impossible for him to touch anybody. Then and there, Lo
Pan decides he will try to have Jack captured so he can drain
his life force and lay claim to whatever idiot charm spell has
been protecting him all this time.
Realizing that all Lo Pan wants is Jack, Snake boots Jack out of
the trailer, leaving him at the mercy of Lo Pan and the other
Plisskens. Everyone is shocked and denounces Snake's action. It
takes Blind Apple Mary to convince Snake that if Jack really
does have some kind of luck magic on his side, the stupidest
thing they could do is leave him behind.
As Jack is running after the Pork-Chop Express for his life from
the Snake squad, Snake opens the door back up and shoots a
couple of the Plisskens and grabs Jack on board.
Later that night, the contingent of alternate Plisskens is
camped fifty miles from Buffalo Lake with Lo Pan beginning to
summon even more of them from other dimensions. As he does, Jack
infiltrates the camp dressed as another Snake himself.
Notes from the Jack Burton and Snake Plissken chronologies
This issue
takes place in 2001.
Characters appearing or mentioned in this issue
Bob Hauk
Jack Burton
Snake Plissken
Marauders (mentioned only)
Blind Apple Mary
Bobby Liu
Helene Chow
alternate Snake Plisskens
David Lo Pan (spirit form)
Didja Know?
This was
a 6-issue mini-series published by BOOM!
Studios that features a cross-over story of the characters of
Jack Burton and Snake Plissken, both portrayed by actor Kurt
Russell in the John Carpenter films
Big Trouble in Little China
Escape from New York (and
Escape from L.A.), respectively.
This issue did not have an individual title. I have given it the
title of
"No One Here But Us Snakes" based
on a line of dialog in the issue.
Didja Notice?
On the Daniel Bayliss cover for this issue, we pretty much see
all the alternate Snakes seen at the end of
"Weird Mojo",
plus blind Snake, guitar Snake, old west Snake, business suit
Snake, wolf Snake, and zombie Snake! Plus, what might be called
eye ball Snake behind the New York City backdrop. And in the
issue itself, a giant one-eyed cobra is also one of the
The hand-drawn map on page 1 is very roughly accurate of the
area between and around Cleveland, Ohio and Toronto, Canada. A
(fictitious) nuke crater is seen as part of Snake's world, as
well as the fact that
has been turned into a lake of fire. In the far-right of the map
is something called the Deactive Zone.
Hauk remarks that the war that turned Buffalo into a lake of
fire started three weeks after Snake made the President look
like a fool at the international peace appeal in 1997 (at the
end of
Escape from New York).
Page 3 reveals that Helene's last name is Chow. This matches
neither her husband's last name (Liu) nor Miao Yin's. Is she a
completely new character?
On page 4, Jack considers himself the best Snake Plissken in the
multiverse. Later, Lo Pan actually summons the so-called
"greatest Snake Plissken in the multiverse", a gigantic
fire-breathing dragon in
"The Greatest Snake Plissken in the Multiverse".
On page 10, Jack remarks that he killed Lo Pan a couple times.
The first was in
Big Trouble in Little China,
the second in
"The Luck of the
Righteous Fool".
In panel 2 of page 10, there is a bumper sticker on the inside
of the left-hand door on the big rig trailer reading "I BREAK FOR
BEER". And yet, on page 13, the bumper sticker is on the outside
of the door (which does make more sense!).
On page 12, Lo Pan reveals that since Jack seems to survive
their every encounter despite his idiocy, his current plot is to
take Jack's life force and lay claim to whatever idiot charm
magic has been protecting him all this time.
On page 20, Jack heads off to face Lo Pan with an Intratec TEC-9
submachine gun just like the one he used
Big Trouble in Little China.
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Adventures of Jack Burton Episode Studies